Category: priorities
Hearts Swelling with Love
Every day it seems I notice my boys swelling a bit. Don’t worry – they’re not sick. They’re just growing. Their bellies swell with the fullness of a simple meal. Their calves swell with overuse in reckless play. Their language swells; new words and more correct pronunciations and verb conjugations are on the rise. Their…
“What do you do?”
I recently quit my day-job. When you quit your job, you need to prepare a 30-second story of “what you’re doing now” because that’s what everyone asks you, followed by 3-4 clarifying questions, depending equal amounts on how interesting your 30-second story is and on their attention span. Unfortunately, I forgot to prepare my 30-second…
Code for “Mom, I’m more important than your phone.”
I have an iPhone. It is mostly a very good and useful thing. Overall, our family has good boundaries with screens of all kinds. But sometimes, my phone will latch itself onto my eyes and brain and unsuspectingly absorb them entirely into its magical screen to the detriment of the actual humans around me who…
Mid-Week Quiet Service
A few months ago my friend/pastor and I started a short, simple contemplative service in our 100-year-old stained glass sanctuary every Wednesday from 12noon – 12:45pm. We call it Quiet Worship, Quiet Service, or sometimes, just Quiet. I wanted to share it with you in case: you’re local and you’d like to come! you’re far…
New Parents! Diapers or Deadlines: 7 Things to Consider about Staying Home vs Going Back to Work after Baby
The decision of whether or not to go back to work outside the home after maternity/paternity leave is nothing short of a difficult one for many. There are so many factors to consider: Who will go, mum or dad? If both, how many hours should one go back to work? Will going back to work affect the…
Happy last day of the month!
“The happiness of even a little bit of money left in your bank account at the end of the month far outweighs the happiness of whatever you bought yourself instead (assuming you can remember what it even was).” my wise, young friend, Amanda Fay LaPlante
“Traditional” Family Roles by Choice, Not Ignorance
A little birdie once told me that behind my back someone called me and my husband, with much disdain, “extremely traditional,” particularly regarding our roles at home (my husband works full-time while I stay home full-time with 2boys). As the conversation progressed, the little birdie discovered that this person thought that we must be too…
How to Be a Runner. For the run of it: Vol 2. Start now.
If you aren’t a runner but want to be one: Start now. Stop reading this blogpost, lace up your shoes, and go for a jog. Just move those legs, even if you only jog very slowly for 3 minutes. Then come back, read the rest of the post and post a comment that says you…