Category: healthy
Raising Individuals in Community: Leading/Parenting in the Tension
Today I’m just trying something new: sharing a few of my thoughts (from a conversation earlier today) in an audio post! JustΒ 9:51 for your listening enjoyment. xoxo Jocelyn
Copycat Health Nut Breakfast Cookies
I first had a cookie like this one at a little bakery at Pike Place in Seattle. (Sad, I can’t for the life of me find the name of the bakery.) I loved it so much — what’s not to like about a cookie for breakfast?! — that when I got home, I concocted the…
Easy Healthy Fruity Frozen Dessert
We’re cleaning out our fridge and freezer these days. I’ve found that it’s a good habit to get into every six months or so. And so we’re having to get creative in the food department. Let’s just say that some creativity turns out better than others. I don’t know about you, but frozen bananas are…
I Heart: Homemade Pesto
How great is pesto!? I love it because:1. It’s heart-healthy2. It’s easy-as-pie to make a big batch and freeze3. It whips out of the freezer and plops onto plain noodles or pizza dough (with meat and/or veggies if you want) with panache 4. A little bit goes a long way 5. My hubby likes it…
Yay! and a Giveaway for Three Winners
Yay yay yay! for Carla F. and Janelle R. who went for a run in response to my March 24 post How to Be a Runner Vol 2: Start Now. Carla posted a comment and Janelle “cheated” and texted me. I’m oh-so-happy to be just a smidgen of inspiration to both of you. As I…
How to Be a Runner. For the run of it: Vol 4. Don’t live to run.
Run to live. Don’t live to run. My life is better with running in it, but running is not my life. A word of advice about how to be a runner and stay motivated? Don’t let running become your everything. Don’t let it become the thing you obsess over or the thing that defines you.…
How to Be a Runner. For the run of it: Vol 3. Find a friend.
Finding a running partner is unarguably both the most difficult and most rewarding thing to start and keep you motivated to run. I’m lucky. I have Megan. We’re a perfect fit. We run at just the right pace. We talk just the right amount and about all kinds of things. We inadvertently take turns challenging…
Love Triangles of Friendship
This past weekend a very scrumptious and wonderful thing happened to me: two of my best girlfriends (Amanda & Stephanie) came to be with me. Amanda is getting married in just 1.5 months and so we were celebrating. I needed to be with them. They took turns holding my baby; we ate good food; I…
How to Be a Runner. For the run of it: Vol 2. Start now.
If you aren’t a runner but want to be one: Start now. Stop reading this blogpost, lace up your shoes, and go for a jog. Just move those legs, even if you only jog very slowly for 3 minutes. Then come back, read the rest of the post and post a comment that says you…
How to Be a Runner. For the run of it: Vol 1. “I wish I could be a runner.”
I hated running. I played track in high school but only socially, and would frequently find reasons to walk most of our longest jaunts. The burning lungs, the shortness of breath, the sore and tired muscles. What is there to like? Some people make it look so glamorous, but it feels as far from glamorous…