Category: Uncategorized

  • A letter from Jen. Re: Judgment.

    Last week I got a splendid email from my friend Jen about — you guessed it: Judgment. She shared so transparently, wrote with such penetrating introspection, and gave such a brilliant example of an everyday struggle that I felt I had to share it with you all. Jen graciously gave me her permission to publish her letter…

  • Judgment, again.

    I promise I’m not trying to beat a dead horse. From the fantastic conversations I keep having about judgment, I am learning that the horse is still very alive. In all of us. So I’m just keeping the conversation going this week. And I sincerely thank those of you who are joining in, whether I…

  • free to judge; free not to judge

    A few of you have reached out to me, humbly, to say that my little non-judgment experiment has made you a bit uncomfortable. I must admit that I am very encouraged by the reports of discomfort! Partly because it helps me know that I am not alone. And partly because is must mean we’re growing!…

  • an experiment in not-judging

    I’m doing an experiment. I guess it is pretty simple, but excruciatingly challenging. I am trying not to judge anyone for anything. I am doing my best not to draw lines, not to put myself in the place of God, approving or disapproving of humans, and rather to attempt to see every human as just…

  • why I’ve {mostly} given up pining for spiritual-emotional highs

    Growing up in church, I got the impression that the people who were serious about God had only, always positive thoughts and feelings toward church, prayer, Bible-reading, and God. I thought that my feeling any sort of “high” in the emotional-spiritual department of my life meant that I must certainly be on the right track,…

  • the broken-hearted; the oppressed.

    I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear about the broken-hearted and the oppressed (the underprivileged, the downtrodden, the marginalized, etc.) the picture that usually jumps to my mind is a starving orphan in tattered rags, a strung out prostitute on a streetcorner, or a single mom with only sour milk in her refrigerator.…

  • Dominating the Conversation

    On a warm but windy evening this week, I went on a walk with my friend Donna. And I accidentally dominated the conversation. I guess I had a lot on my mind and in my heart. Donna asks such good questions and listens with such interest and patience that I always hardly notice when I’m…

  • Lenten Days 15-21 Instagram Round Up

    Lenten Days 15-21 Instagram Round Up

    #lenttogether #lent #47daysoflent Day 15. Meet my best new running buddy. (No, friends, he doesn’t live with me. The world has not yet turned THAT upside down.) But his name is KJ and he is wonderful and he belongs to @bec.harris.14 and @charris1022 The best thing is he gets my a$$ out of the house…

  • Lenten Days 1-7 Instagram Round Up

    Lenten Days 1-7 Instagram Round Up

    Lent’s first week’s worth of instagram posts at #lenttogether #47daysoflent. For those of you not-so instagram inclined, it’s kinda sorta like a very tiny mini blog post per day. The captions below correspond to the photos in the gallery above, beginning at top left and going clockwise. Day 1. Today begins the black-and-blue season of Lent: the…

  • 4 Refreshing Ways to Read/See the Bible

    4 Refreshing Ways to Read/See the Bible

    Our family regularly keeps up with a YouTube channel called “Smarter Every Day.” In one episode, its engineer-founder, Destin, was given a bike and challenged to ride it by his conniving welder friends. It was a regular bike in every way, except for one thing: the welders had reversed the steering column (to turn the…