Category: book
An excerpt: Gospel of Mark devotional study
Just in case you didn’t know already, I’m studying and writing out of the Jesus biography Gospel of Mark right now. It’s become quite the project; a much bigger project than what I’d anticipated when I ‘signed on’ to my husband’s idea-in-passing for me to write a weekly devotional alongside the study of Mark at…
2015 Book Reviews, part 2.
I read a dozen books this year! Here is a little review for each of the last six. The Heart of the Matter, Graham Greene **** 189 pages. Fiction. Difficulty (1-5): 3.5 Graham Greene is hands-down one of my very favorite novelists. Akin to George Eliot’s Silas Marner, he undergirds his fiction with theological tones and…
2015 Book Reviews, part 1.
I read a dozen books this year! Here is a little review for each of the first six: Walking with God through Pain & Suffering, Timothy Keller ***** 384 pages. Theology of Pain and Suffering. Difficulty (1-5): 4.5 Questions about pain and suffering and a good (?) God top the intellectual-theological charts for millennials, whether…
When What is Shocking Changes
I’ve been thinking about this all week. Just about how what is shocking has changed in just the last 100 years in America. I’ll let you in if you promise not to judge me; I’m not judging any of these things — just observing. I promise. Here are just a few things that floated to…
Book Review: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
I just finished Donald Miller’s newest book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It has the usual Donald Miller feel: raw, memoir-esque, easy to read, personal. I was both personally challenged and pleasantly surprised by its relevancy for many 18-35 year old readers. (It is a frequent concern of mine that many current bestsellers…