Category: beginnings
Daily Strength for Daily Needs
I have developed a bit of a habit of beginning my work day with just a few minutes of quiet. The more difficult my work, the more consistent I seem to be. Hm. Anyway, the few minutes of quiet are usually composed of something like read-praying, or pray-reading. (I’m not sure which.) I find myself…
I turned 34 this week.
It has been a very non-Lenten way to finish Lent. Far too celebratory. 😉 Maybe I’m crazy (ok actually I know I’m crazy), but this week my mind keeps going back to the likely fact that this was the year of life to which Jesus never made it. Tradition (good, bad, and ugly) usually has it…
An excerpt: Gospel of Mark devotional study
Just in case you didn’t know already, I’m studying and writing out of the Jesus biography Gospel of Mark right now. It’s become quite the project; a much bigger project than what I’d anticipated when I ‘signed on’ to my husband’s idea-in-passing for me to write a weekly devotional alongside the study of Mark at…
Cheers! to yielded dependence
Happy New Year! Did you make any resolutions? I love making resolutions. They feel so fresh and clean and hopeful and anticipatory. Usually mine are something about bettering myself (don’t eat so many Oreos!) or bettering my family life (stop over-committing!). This year as I set about making resolutions, I remembered a mentor of mine…
something meaningful, refreshing, life-giving for summer: 5Mondays
I’m trying a little something new this summer. I’d just thought I’d share it with you in case you want to try it in your community, with your friends this summer, too. It’s not revolutionary or anything, at least on a large-scale. But I am praying for revolution, revival, renovation, restoration on a large-scale in…
The Passions of Christ’s Advent, a devotional.
One year ago, at Christmastime, a dear friend of mine gave me a devotional for the season of advent. It was beautiful and inspiring: a series of printed cards that I displayed on a garland in my home, along with a paragraph of thoughts for each day. Fast forward to a couple of months ago.…
Happy New Year! & #cruconf
Happy New Year! I’m still feeling so blessed and refreshed in my heart from spending the last few days of 2013 hanging out and catching up with so many close friends at Cru Conference – all staying in the same hotel and many of them freed of their…
What We’re Looking for in a Church
We just moved. And so we’re searching for a new local church to attend, enjoy, give. As a side note, a cross-state move produces the most pleasant circumstances under which to search for a new church: you must give no reasons for leaving your old church besides “We moved” and you must give no reasons…
A New Beginning
I love fresh, new beginnings. The flawless and untainted canvas of a new beginning excites the perfectionist in me. I love them so much that I’m slow as molasses to make my first mark on them. Untouched snow looks so much better to me than a snowman and snow-angel. I want to know ahead of…