Category: prayer
rhythms for when your former rhythms (i.e. attending church?) fall through… for whatever reason
When former rhythms stop working (for whatever reason), I’ve learned that I need to replace them. Otherwise I fairly consistently just abandon whatever I’d been formerly doing. Rhythms are great because then when we miss a day (or three), we can just pick up where we left off. No guilt, no shame. We’ve tried a…
“God bless”es
Sometimes when it is time to pray around our dinner table, we take turns âblessingâ the people who were involved in the meal weâre eating. In some instances, âGod blessâ may be clichĂ©, but it doesnât have to be. For me and my co-travelers at the mealtime table, âGod blessâ is a dual way of…
daily prayers
Life sure is full of the daily, isn’t it? It must have always been this way, but somehow a global quarantine has a way of drawing extra attention to it. My days feel different from what they were. But at the same time they feel more similar to one another than they have, perhaps ever.…
Daily Strength for Daily Needs
I have developed a bit of a habit of beginning my work day with just a few minutes of quiet. The more difficult my work, the more consistent I seem to be. Hm. Anyway, the few minutes of quiet are usually composed of something like read-praying, or pray-reading. (I’m not sure which.) I find myself…
Soul Practice: Walking through Difficult Things
I’ve run up against something difficult today, and I’ve had to preach to my heart again the sermon about what to do with difficult things. Anyway, I thought maybe it could help a few of you, in case you, too, have run up against something difficult recently, and so here she is. Dearly beloved: It…
A Soul Practice for Today: Praying Psalm 65
If you’ve been with me long, I think you know quite well of my love for the psalms, and that this has been a renewed love over the past few years, particularly through a short little book by Eugene Peterson that is still turning my world upside down:Â Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer.…