The Sunshine of His Presence

My favorite way to start the day is when I wake up before 2boys and have even just 30 minutes to myself in a quiet home. Yesterday, for some reason, I awoke naturally at 4:45am and decided just to get up and enjoy some extended time to read, reflect, and write.

I was sitting at my dining table when I was side-blinded by a very bright ray of morning sunlight, streaming through my french doors to my right. It was at that very moment that my eyes read on the page in front of me:


Hannah Whitall Smith, The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life (1942)

Oh Lord, what an exquisite, tangible vision of the sunshine You give every single day and its simple reflection of the spiritual sunshine of Your presence that I desperately need in my life! Thank You for the warmth and light of Your grace, which You pour out so lavishly in moments such as these. Help me to keep my face upturned to You, even when it feels too bright or too piercing. Do Your Divine cultivating work in me — in Your own way and by Your own means. Amen.