Easy Healthy Fruity Frozen Dessert

We’re cleaning out our fridge and freezer these days. I’ve found that it’s a good habit to get into every six months or so. And so we’re having to get creative in the food department. Let’s just say that some creativity turns out better than others.

I don’t know about you, but frozen bananas are a staple in my freezer: I peel, saran wrap, and freeze mine whole whenever they’re starting to get brown. There are many yummy things I’ve found that you can do with them. Here’s one.

 Fruity Frozen Dessert
1 frozen banana, coined
1 cup frozen berries (blackberries and blueberries are the faves at our house)
1/2 cup vanilla coffee creamer (This may sound weird, but if you think about it, it’s pretty much lower-calorie melted ice cream!)

Pour creamer over frozen fruit. The fruit makes the creamer almost instantly slushy. You can put the whole thing in the freezer for an additional minute or two if you want. Enjoy!