Count Your Blessings

I sing old hymns to 2boys every time I put them to sleep. One of the hymns I’ve always sung, and my mom tells me it was one of my favorites from the time I was a very little girl, is Count Your Blessings. The chorus goes:

Count your blessings, name them one by one.

Count your blessings, see what God has done.

Count your blessings, name them one by one.

Count your blessings, see what God has done.

A month ago or so I sensed God prompting me to start stopping between each verse to ask each person in the room to actually share one of their blessings. (It may sound dumb or weird, but this kind of forced sharing is really hard and awkward-feeling for me sometimes – even with my husband and 2boys! But, it has been SO worth it.) 2boys’ answers range from “Daddy” to “church” to “Aunt Holl” to “my blanket.” Even 19-month-old Stone gives his one syllable replies (usually “Pa!” [Grandpa] with a big smile).

Howard never lets me or my husband forget to share our own blessings. It’s been so memorable and spiritually enriching. And, it’s been really good for my heart: to practice regularly counting my blessings rather than counting my wishes.

Now 2boys request it pretty much every night.