Holding onto Summer

Summer 2010.

Well, it’s September already. I can hardly believe it.

Usually by this time of year I’m clamoring for apples & nutmeg, baking everything with pumpkin that can possibly be pumpkiny, getting pumped up for another season of Cougar football, and eyeing my favorite jeans & boots & cardigans, but somehow this week I’ve just been clinging to summer. I wasn’t even that excited to see that Starbucks has pumpkin spice lattes now. And pumpkin spice lattes are one of my favorites.

I guess I’m just still soaking in every bit of sun I can. I guess I’m just still holding onto these months sweetened by having a newborn back in the house. I guess I’m just still enjoying piling the kids in the stroller to go on a walk as a family or with friends. I guess I’m just still loving playdates at the park. I guess I’m just still savoring the early mornings and late evenings that are light enough to squeeze in a run.

It’s been warm enough where I am to still call it summer. And it’ll definitely be cold enough where I am to call it fall & winter when the time comes.

So for now, I’m letting summer linger. In my mind, in my heart, and in my running shoes. Maybe this afternoon I’ll even run through the sprinklers.

What about you? Are you ready for fall??


4 responses to “Holding onto Summer”

  1. Bring on Fall!! I love these chilly mornings where you need to put on a sweatshirt and socks and watch the sunrise with a nice hot cup of coffee. Although, I do hate how our days are getting shorter. Can’t we have long Fall days?

    1. jocelyn.larsen Avatar

      Thanks for getting me more in the spirit, dear Kelsie friend. Can I come sit outside in your beautiful garden and drink hot coffee with you sometime? I think that would help me get ready for fall… 🙂

  2. Chelsea A Avatar
    Chelsea A

    I have mixed feelings about this. I basically am wrapped in a blanket for the rest of the year once it drops below 60. Phil & I love going on walks and romping around outdoors (which I usually don’t find appealing in the cold weather). However, I have pretty much exhausted my summer wardrobe. I think I’m ready for fall even soley so I can break out my sweaters, scarves, and vests that have been hibernating all summer. I’m hoping to take advantage of seasonal activities like falltime pumpkin carving, apple-picking, cornmazes etc. Plus fall inevitably starts the countdown to Christmas (that is, at least at the Arnold household). Loving your blog.

    1. jocelyn.larsen Avatar

      I LOVE my fall clothes, too, Chelsea! And I guess now that I can fit (squeeze) into my pre-pregnancy jeans, I’m ok with the transition to colder temperatures. We are also definitely pumpkin-patching and apple-cidering this fall; now that H is almost 2, he’ll totally be into it. I’ve even decided on Halloween costumes already.