It’s Psalm 23:6 in the Jewish prayer book, in Eugene Peterson’s Message version.
Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life.
I seem to be far more naturally aware of other things chasing me. Aren’t we all?
Work deadlines, home responsibilities, or things I ought-to be doing. Unfinished projects, a messy desk, or unresolved problems. General anxiety, personal insecurities, or dis-ease about the future. Perfectionism, unmet desires, or pressure to perform.
But today – every day! – the Truest True things that are chasing me are Beauty; Love. They never take a break. They never need a breather. They are always whisking me along, wherever I go, however I get there.
Every morning when I wake up they’ve already begun their never-ceasing game of tag. With me. Will I let them “get” me? Will I take a moment to be “it”?
Beauty and Love:
Today it is the lilacs, thrusting out their blooms and unmistakable scent, in complete denial that they have only a couple of weeks left.
Today it is the honeysuckle beginning to think about opening itself, taking over for the lilacs.
Today it is enough food in my fridge and pantry for today.
Today it is day 5 of babysitting my newborn wildflower garden – keeping them “evenly moist.” Holding out hope (maybe even talking to them a little bit) while all I see is dirt.
Today it is watching my 5-year-old watch Curious George, smiling knowingly with him when he turns to tell me, “George has good ideas.”
Today it is listening to my local classical music station, feeling grateful for the surety of never-ending Art beamed magically through the air. Art that is always present, even when I’m not tuned in to hear it.
Today it is knowing that I still have a few chapters left in the two great books I’m reading – relishing that there is still more to relish.
How are Beauty and Love chasing after you today?
Photo by Annie Spratt
5 responses to “Beauty and Love chasing after me”
Oh, I LOVE this one! You totally nailed it. Even with ‘who knows what this is’ surrounding us…..we are being chased by love and beauty. Your wording is so refreshing! THANK YOU!
Thanks, M. Thinking of you this week and sending love your way. xo
This is beautiful. I’ve been taking walks this week with your words in my mind – seeing His Creation – all His beauty – chasing me, seeking my attention. I hope to be more aware of all of my daily signs of His love – and to find comfort in them ❤️
Thank you for sharing, Candace. May you find much comfort and peace this week amidst all the Love and Beauty.