“You are so much adult.”

This morning I was reading a chapter in The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life that talked about living in the liberty of a child. All of suddenI heard, in the quietness of my spirit, “My dear Jocey, you are so much adult.” And I thought, “He’s right. {He often calls me ‘dear Jocey’ so that I can recognize His Voice from so many others.} I am so responsible, so self-sufficient, so put-together, so…adult.”


And so I prayed,

“Oh Lord, make in my heart the very heart of a child. Help me to trust You – that Your resources are enough (I don’t need to bring my wallet or time management skills when I’m with You), that Your plans for my life are good and are being realized according to Your Sovereign might (I don’t have to worry or seek or strive or freak out when things go differently than I’d expected), and that You love me (not what I do or how I act or how much I have figured out about life) and that that is all that really matters. Like a child. Like my own kids trust me. Amen.”